Judy’s last day of school was fun and also emotional. Below is a picture of Judy picking up the kids from the bus.
Judy’s last day was filled with hugs and goodbyes from her associates and friends. But still it was a school day and school must go on. This is Judy with some of her students.
And then came the end of the last day of school and all of the students were ushered onto their individual buses for the last ride home. As has been the tradition started many years ago, after the last kid gets loaded onto the bus, all of the teachers line the halls and wait for Miss Judy to mark the official end of the school year with her famous cartwheel. The picture below is her in the middle of her cartwheel.
The cartwheel signified the end of the school year and also the end of a great career for Judy. She will miss her friends and students, but she has decided to substitute next year. But in the mean time, we will travel and see the country. Our first trip, Nashville and Gatlinburg Tennessee.