Friday morning saw the boys up early and out squirrel hunting, but not without Pops fixing a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast.  Nothing better than bacon cooking in the cabin to start the day.  They all came back empty handed.  Chad, Brock and I decided to go to the farm to fish.  Jason decided to stay at the cabin and rest.  The fish were once again biting fairly good.  Chad caught a bass that decided to inhale his lure sideways.

He was pretty proud of it and kept telling us how he was the best fisherman.  We just let him brag cause we know different.

The trees around the farm were still in absolute beauty.  It is amazing how God can create such beautiful pictures for us to see.


The old farm house still looks the same.  It always amazes me that 10 people lived in that house.  I know it holds some precious memories for those who lived there.

That afternoon, the boys went squirrel hunting again.  I decided to walk across the road from the cabin and squirrel hunt.  I didn’t see any squirrels but did walk up on these wild catus plants.

I also walked along this small bluff.  In the second picture, you can see what water can do with the rocks when there is enough force.  I had to squat down and see inside one of the small caverns to see this but thought it was neat.

For supper, we went back to Delanys on Broadway.  Good food.  Then back to the cabin where I took this picture of the back of the cabin with a quarter moon over it.

It is very difficult to see in this picture but was beautiful at the time.  The boys didn’t stay up very late and neither did I.  Good night John Boy.